Leman Tree Logos

and Web Design



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For Your Viewing Pleasure

(Click on the images to see a larger, more detailed rendition)


This is a banner of playful pygmy kids that I use on my herd's webpage, Maggidan's Minis Farm.  Visit The Maggidan's Minis site at http://www.maggidans.com



Here's one I made using one of those costume photos you can have made at many fairs.  That's me in the center with my two sisters.  I cropped the photo after scanning it, added the frame and "Glamour Gals" banner and created tee-shirts for the three of us.  Our dad used to call us his Glamour Gals.








I used Print Artist to create this to make sweatshirts for my sister and me for the 2002 North Carolina State Fair.  Maggidan's Minis Milking Pygmy Goats were quite a hit.











I use this for the logo above the pockets on our farm tee shirts, sweatshirts and polo shirts.  I can change the color of the banner very easily to coordinate with any color shirt.






This is an ad I laid out for our Pygmy Goat Club to be included in the 2002 National Convention Showbook.












Here is Maggidan's Minis ad for the 2002 NPGA Convention Showbook.













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